The SI-90 Dynamic High Frequency Pressure Sensor for Industrial Applications

Sino-Inst offers the SI-90 high frequency pressure sensor as part of their extensive portfolio of industrial pressure sensors to address demanding measurement conditions. Designed for process variables undergoing rapid fluctuations, this sensor is an important solution for various manufacturing environments.

Piezoresistive Pressure Sensing Technology

At the core of the SI-90 is a piezoresistive pressure sensor made from monocrystalline silicon. By measuring changes in electrical resistance proportional to strain from changing pressure levels, it captures analog inputs with industry-leading bandwidths up to 200kHz.

Optimized Circuitry for Dynamic Signal Conversion

Complementing the high-speed sensor is dedicated amplification and processing circuitry. This transforms the analog sensor readings into standardized current or voltage outputs within milliseconds, accurately representing transient pressure behavior in real-time.

Ideal for Demanding Automation Applications

Examples where the SI-90 proves indispensable include explosion monitoring, engine testing, and pump process control. It reliably measures oscillating pressures too rapid for conventional transmitters to discern, benefiting industries such as automotive, energy and manufacturing.

Customization Support for Unique Processes

Leveraging in-house design capabilities, Sino-Inst can customize the SI-90 further to address special needs for non-standard pressure ranges, wetted materials, electrical interfaces or other factors dictated by specific system contexts.

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